Baked Blueberry Cake Donuts

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I have always had a soft spot for blueberry donuts! They were my favorite as a kid. Fresh summer blueberries are enfolded in these sweet and fluffy cake donuts and topped with a sweet blueberry icing. So perfect for a summertime morning spent baking, you will absolutely fall in love with the soft vanilla cake and pockets of blueberry goodness.

Baked Blueberry Cake Donuts: Fresh Summer Breakfast Recipe

why I love these blueberry cake donuts:

There are so many reasons to love a cake donut! I tend to choose a cake donut over a fried donut if I am at a bakery. I love the flavor of the cake without the texture of the fat comes with a fried donut.

  • Moisture. These cake donuts have a great moisture content and are similar to the density of a muffin or heavier cake. With the addition of sour cream and buttermilk in the batter, you will be sure to have a resulting super soft and fluffy donut!

  • Texture. Even with its incredible moistness, the crumb of these donuts stay together. This makes them ideal for dunking into the icing so that they don’t fall apart. It’s fluffy and has a tender crumb that’s not too tight while not crumbling apart.

  • Simple Ingredients. There is nothing better than keeping it simple when it comes to baking (and cooking)! This recipe uses incredibly simple ingredients, making it a doable recipe for most home bakers.

  • One Bowl. You only need one bowl to make these blueberry donuts, which means easier clean up!

Baked Blueberry Cake Donuts: Fresh Summer Breakfast Recipe

gathering ingredients to make blueberry cake donuts:

To make these soft and fluffy blueberry cake donuts, you will need a few key ingredients to get started. These donuts are baked in the oven with fresh blueberries and a blueberry jam icing!

  • Fresh Blueberries. For this particular recipe, I would suggest using fresh blueberries. If you are using frozen blueberries, make sure they are thawed and drained.

  • All-Purpose Flour. For this recipe, I have found that all-purpose flour gives you the best results. Whole wheat flour can really weigh down the recipe and pastry flour is too fine, making the donuts fall apart.

  • Granulated Sugar. I would suggest using granulated sugar or a raw sugar with a finer granule for the best results. Sugar in a liquid form such as honey or syrup will not work for this recipe as the sugar is creamed with the butter.

  • Baking Powder.

  • Salt.

  • Cinnamon. For added flavor, I like to put cinnamon and/or nutmeg in my donut batters. It tastes like breakfast!

  • Butter. I always use salted butter in my recipes, but you can swap it out for unsalted butter and increase the salt by 1/4 teaspoon.

  • Eggs. For this recipe, you will want large eggs.

  • Vanilla Extract.

  • Sour Cream.

  • Buttermilk.

  • Powdered Sugar.

  • Blueberry Spiced Jam. For this version, I used the Blueberry Spiced Jam I canned last summer. Any blueberry jam or jelly will work!

  • Heavy Cream.

Baked Blueberry Cake Donuts: Fresh Summer Breakfast Recipe

tips for baking donuts:

Donuts are usually fried, but these donuts are baked! To do so, you will need a special type of pan called a donut pan. Here are some helpful tips to ensure that baking donuts is a piece of cake!

  • Use a Donut Pan. If you are baking donuts, you will need a donut pan so that your donuts keep their signature shape. Technically, these little donuts are just a standard cake baked in a fun shape. Most donut pans come with only 6 donut cavities, and this recipe makes 16 to 18 donuts so you may want to invest in 2 pans if you can!

  • Use a Piping Bag. Utilizing a piping bag for this recipe can be a lot of help and cut down on the mess! Simply transfer the donut batter to a piping bag and perfectly pipe the correct amount of batter into the pan. This also helps to keep the batter in a uniform shape and texture while baking so that your donuts are smooth and perfect.

  • Weigh Your Ingredients. It’s always incredibly helpful to weigh your ingredients! I provide metric measurements for my recipes and this is how I develop them so that they turn out perfect every time. For the best results, I highly suggest investing in a kitchen scale and weighing everything out.

Baked Blueberry Cake Donuts: Fresh Summer Breakfast Recipe

how to make baked blueberry cake donuts:

Step One: Begin by mixing the batter. Everything in this recipe can be mixed in one bowl. Whisk together the dry ingredients, then follow with the wet ingredients. Finally, fold in your blueberries until they are evenly distributed throughout the batter. Be careful not to over-mix the batter so that your donuts stay soft and fluffy!

Step Two: Transfer the donut batter to a piping and cut off the tip so that the opening is large enough for a blueberry to pop out of. Pipe the batter into a greased and floured donut pan, filling them only about 1/3 to 1/2 of the way full.

Baked Blueberry Cake Donuts: Fresh Summer Breakfast Recipe

Step Three: Bake the donuts at 350° F (177° C) for about 18 to 20 minutes or until the donuts are golden brown and bounce back when you press on them gently. Let them continue to cool in the pan for another 5 to 10 minutes before transferring the donuts to a wire cooling rack.

Step Four: Mix together your icing ingredients. When the donuts are slightly cooled, dip one side into the icing to fully coat it. Then, place the donuts back on the wire cooling rack set over a piece of parchment paper to dry.

Baked Blueberry Cake Donuts: Fresh Summer Breakfast Recipe

final thoughts:

These delectable blueberry cake donuts are bound to be your new favorite easy summer bake! With hints of cinnamon and Blueberry Spiced Jam, this cake donut recipe is packed with bursts of flavor. I just love how whimsical they look, too! It’s so fun to see the color that they blueberries create. Enjoy!

xoxo Kayla

Yield: 16 to 18
Author: Kayla Lobermeier
Baked Blueberry Cake Donuts

Baked Blueberry Cake Donuts

Fresh summer blueberries are enfolded in these sweet and fluffy cake donuts and topped with a sweet blueberry icing. So perfect for a summertime morning spent baking, you will absolutely fall in love with the soft vanilla cake and pockets of blueberry goodness.
Prep time: 30 MinCook time: 20 MinTotal time: 50 Min


Blueberry Cake Donuts
  • 3 cups (375 g) all-purpose flour
  • 1 cup (200 g) granulated sugar
  • 1 tbsp (12 g) baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp kosher salt
  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 cup (120 ml) melted salted butter, slightly cooled
  • 2 large eggs, room temperature
  • 2 tsp (10 ml) vanilla extract
  • 1/2 cup (120 ml) sour cream, room temperature
  • 1/2 cup (120 ml) buttermilk, room temperature
  • 1 1/2 cups (208 g) fresh blueberries + 1 tbsp (8 g) all-purpose flour
Blueberry Icing
  • 2 cups (236 g) powdered sugar, sifted
  • 4 tbsp (60 ml) Blueberry Spiced Jam
  • 2 tbsp (30 ml) heavy cream
  • Pinch of kosher salt


To make the Blueberry Cake Donuts:
  1. Preheat the oven to 350° F (177° C). Grease and flour a donut pan, and set this aside for now.
  2. In a large bowl, whisk together the flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, and cinnamon. Add the melted butter, eggs, vanilla, sour cream, and buttermilk and whisk until just combined, about 2 to 3 minutes.
  3. Toss the blueberries with the 1 tablespoon (8 g) of flour, making sure they are evenly coated. This will help them to not sink to the bottom of the batter. Gently fold the blueberries into the batter until they are evenly distributed, about 2 minutes.
  4. Transfer the batter to a piping bag. Cut an opening large enough for the blueberries to squeeze out. Pipe the batter into the prepared donut pan, filling about 1/3 to 1/2 of the way full.
  5. Bake the first set of donuts for 18 to 20 minutes or until they are golden brown and puffy. Let the donuts rest in the pan for another 5 to 10 minutes before transferring to a wire cooling rack. Let the donut pan cool down, grease and flour the pan, and repeat the process until all of the batter is baked.
To make the Blueberry Icing:
  1. In a medium bowl, whisk together the powdered sugar, blueberry spiced jam, heavy cream, and salt until it becomes the consistency of molasses, about 2 to 3 minutes.
  2. Set a wire cooling rack over parchment paper to collect any drips from the donuts. Dip the slightly cooled donuts into the icing and set them on the wire cooling rack to allow the icing to harden.
  3. Serve the donuts at room temperature on the same day. To save them for later, store them in an airtight container at room temperature for about 3 to 4 days.

Nutrition Facts



Nutritional information is only an estimate. The accuracy of the nutritional information for any recipe on this site is not guaranteed.

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Baked Blueberry Cake Donuts: Fresh Summer Breakfast Recipe
Kayla Lobermeier

Kayla Lobermeier is an author, blogger, recipe developer, photographer, homesteader, and co-owner of the brand Under A Tin Roof with her mother, Jill Haupt. She lives in rural Iowa with her husband, children, and parents on their multi-generational family farm. Under A Tin Roof is a small flower farm and online lifestyle company focused on sharing the joy of seasonal, slow living with others who enjoy gardening, preserving, and cooking with wholesome ingredients. Kayla has been sharing her family’s journey into a simpler and sustainable lifestyle for almost a decade, and she has been featured in publications such as Willow and Sage Magazine, Where Women Cook, Heirloom Gardener, Folk Magazine, In Her Garden, Beekman 1802 Almanac, and Gardenista. She has taught cooking and gardening lessons through Kirkwood Community College and has hosted farm -to -table suppers at her family farm. You can usually find her sipping on a hot cup of coffee, reading up on the domestic lives of the Victorians, and snuggling with barn cats. Visit Kayla at or on Instagram and YouTube @underatinroof.


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