Video: Flower Fairy Tea & Craft Ideas

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Have you heard of the Dandelion Flower Fairy? Bright and lovely, the dandelion is a symbol of resilience! This little baby fairy represents the newness of the spring blossoms. My mom created this lovely printable artwork for a new idea that I had to make tea blends inspired by edible flowers that are available each season. In this episode, I make a Dandelion Flower Fairy Tea Blend, forage for dandelion root, and make pressed flower bookmarks.

Watch as I welcome you into my cozy fantasy world of cooking! These soothing ASMR sounds and gentle music will transport you to my cottagecore kitchen and hobby farm with our kitty and chicken friends.

Video: Flower Fairy Tea & Craft Ideas

If you enjoy this video, I welcome you to subscribe to our YouTube channel! I love creating cozy videos with soothing sounds a cinematic visuals. I hope that you love watching as much as I love making them. Please let me know what I should make in an upcoming video by leaving a comment at the end of this post.

Video: Flower Fairy Tea & Craft Ideas

recipes in this week’s video:

This week only features one recipe, but it’s a lovely one! You will love this delicious and light tea cake for enjoying with your afternoon cuppa. There are, however, natural cleaning recipes as well as some inspiration for creating your own cottagecore cleaning caddy.

Video: Flower Fairy Tea & Craft Ideas

what I used in this week’s video:

If you have ever wondered where some of the items that I use in my videos are from, here is a quick recap of what was featured in this week’s video. This also includes links to the clothes that I wore!

Video: Flower Fairy Tea & Craft Ideas

final thoughts:

Things are popping all over the garden! It is so fascinating and exciting to see the perennials growing again. I love when new plants that we planted last year begin to grow again in the spring. It’s always like a magical surprise. I hope that you enjoyed this week’s cozy video. I have a really beautiful video filmed for next week! (:

xoxo Kayla

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Kayla Lobermeier

Kayla Lobermeier is an author, blogger, recipe developer, photographer, homesteader, and co-owner of the brand Under A Tin Roof with her mother, Jill Haupt. She lives in rural Iowa with her husband, children, and parents on their multi-generational family farm. Under A Tin Roof is a small flower farm and online lifestyle company focused on sharing the joy of seasonal, slow living with others who enjoy gardening, preserving, and cooking with wholesome ingredients. Kayla has been sharing her family’s journey into a simpler and sustainable lifestyle for almost a decade, and she has been featured in publications such as Willow and Sage Magazine, Where Women Cook, Heirloom Gardener, Folk Magazine, In Her Garden, Beekman 1802 Almanac, and Gardenista. She has taught cooking and gardening lessons through Kirkwood Community College and has hosted farm -to -table suppers at her family farm. You can usually find her sipping on a hot cup of coffee, reading up on the domestic lives of the Victorians, and snuggling with barn cats. Visit Kayla at or on Instagram and YouTube @underatinroof.


Forager’s Fabled Allium Galette


How to Make Botanical Pressed Flower Bookmarks