Video: Raspberry Rose Compound Butter
I am just about ready to close up my chapter on Victorian picnicking, but I couldn’t finish this fun project without discussing a truly unique food idea that I came across in my research. Have you ever made compound butter with edible flowers? This concept is not new! However, it was apparently a fun way to fill a sandwich in the Victorian period. I thought that it was too cool not to mention!
This is my first video talking to the camera. It was quite nerve wracking. I am very proud that I gave it a shot, and I feel like by my second day of filming, the overall tone is much better. Overall, I have been dreaming about making my own little cooking show on Youtube for a couple of years now. It’s something that just never felt right, either I felt too inexperienced or I was pregnant or nursing a baby, or writing a book. But now that I have more time and autonomy, I finally plucked up the courage to give it a shot.
This also comes in contrast to the fact that we have had four television show requests from networks over the last decade. The most recent was early this year, and while we are still waiting to hear back, I am not so sure that we will. I would absolutely love to have a show! So I guess I will have to make my own… I hope that you like it!
Compound butters are a French invention, which add a boost of flavor to any meal. Butter is whipped with other added ingredients like herbs, vegetables, or even edible flowers. I love making compound butter to cook meats. They are particularly delicious over a grilled steak!
In the end, this butter did not turn out exactly how I was envisioning it. I think that in the video itself, as I stated, that I added way too many raspberries to the amount of butter that I had made. You can see in the photos that it is quite crumbly! I ended up adjusting the ingredients in the recipe below so that you do not make the same mistake that I did!
The final butter is sweet and light and altogether tastes as if you walked into a rose perfume shop. It’s interesting and unique! I think that it really gives a fun look into the flavor of Victorian picnicking.
xoxo Kayla
Raspberry Rose Compound Butter

- 2 cups (480 ml) heavy cream
- 8 to 10 fresh raspberries
- 10 to 15 fresh rose petals
- 1 tbsp (15 ml) honey
- pinch of sea salt
- Whip the cream in a standing electric mixer fitted with a whisk attachment until it separates into butter solids and buttermilk, about 15 to 20 minutes. First, it will turn into whipped cream, then the whipped cream will start to separate and become soggy looking. After this, the cream will fully turn back into a thin liquid, and after a few more minutes it will separate into solid yellow butter and white buttermilk.
- Gather up all of the butter and squeeze it into a ball. Squeeze out as much of the buttermilk as possible. Save this buttermilk in a glass jar with a lid in your refrigerator to use in baked goods or other recipes.
- Dip the butter into a bowl of ice water. This will help to draw out any buttermilk still stuck in the butter. Squeeze until as much of the liquid as possible is removed from the butter, dunking it as needed.
- Wrap the butter in plastic wrap and store in the refrigerator until ready to use.
- While the butter chills, mash the raspberries and rose petals together. You may also puree them in a blender, if desired.
- Whip the butter with the raspberry-rose puree until everything is well mixed, about 4 to 5 minutes. Then, cream in the honey and salt. Shape the butter and wrap it in plastic wrap. Refrigerate until firm, a few hours.
- The butter will last about 5 to 6 days in the fridge.