Our Favorite Easter Posts

Easter time is here! A time of bunnies, birds, eggs, and lovely spring treats. While our family does not celebrate Easter in a religious sense, we still like to enjoy a special spring meal and making baskets of little goodies left by the Easter bunny for the children. This time of year is always so special, as I have noticed with each passing spring that this particular weekend always seems to signify a change in the season where we live in Iowa. I am not sure that is true of every place in the world, but here it is when we begin to see the first sprouts of life out of the ground and the robins return!

However you may celebrate, we hope that you enjoy this round up of little old-fashioned recipes and ideas to make in your own home.

Our Favorite Easter Posts

You may be looking for some older posts on our blog, and I apologize for the inconvenience. Many of our older blog posts are no longer here because we updated to a new website! We hope to remake many of them in time, so bear with us. Please feel free to send us a message if there is a particular post that you are missing!

Our Favorite Easter Posts

egg in a nest breads

These sweet little breads are inspired by the Pane di Pasqua, or Italian Easter Bread. Traditionally, this is a sweet bread decorated with sprinkle and a colorfully dyed egg! I thought that it might be fun to make a savory version with a hard or soft boiled egg, Italian seasoning, and cheese. These are one of our most popular recipes, and I hope that you love making them as much as we do!

Our Favorite Easter Posts

hand painted floral eggs

How gorgeous are these floral painted eggs? Painting eggs is a fun way to change up your decorations for the season! While we love naturally dying eggs, too, these were a lovely way to stretch our creativity. You could paint real eggs or wooden ones. The choice is up to you! If you used a food grade paint, it would be fun to serve these hard boiled!

Our Favorite Easter Posts

chocolate peanut butter candies

Have you ever wondered how to make your own peanut butter cup candies at home? This vintage recipe is so fun to make and takes only a smidgen of time! I have been wanting to dive more and more into making homemade candies that you might only find in your grandma’s community cookbook. These are certainly worthy of those pages!

Our Favorite Easter Posts

lemon curd filled cupcakes

Deliciously soft and moist lemon cake filled with lemon curd and topped with a lemon buttercream frosting. If you love lemon, then you will absolutely adore these cupcakes. They are so cute for your Easter table spread!

Our Favorite Easter Posts

a slow and simple easter video

This video is a couple of years old, but it is still so sweet! If you love to watch aesthetic videos, be sure to give this one a watch. In it, I share how to arrange a spring bouquet, dye Easter eggs with natural ingredients, make the Chocolate Peanut Butter Candies, and more. Enjoy!

We wish you a wonderful weekend of celebrating! I am looking forward to a week of creating ahead of this busy weekend. My oldest turns EIGHT tomorrow! That flew by quickly!

xoxo Kayla

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Kayla Lobermeier

Kayla Lobermeier is an author, blogger, recipe developer, photographer, homesteader, and co-owner of the brand Under A Tin Roof with her mother, Jill Haupt. She lives in rural Iowa with her husband, children, and parents on their multi-generational family farm. Under A Tin Roof is a small flower farm and online lifestyle company focused on sharing the joy of seasonal, slow living with others who enjoy gardening, preserving, and cooking with wholesome ingredients. Kayla has been sharing her family’s journey into a simpler and sustainable lifestyle for almost a decade, and she has been featured in publications such as Willow and Sage Magazine, Where Women Cook, Heirloom Gardener, Folk Magazine, In Her Garden, Beekman 1802 Almanac, and Gardenista. She has taught cooking and gardening lessons through Kirkwood Community College and has hosted farm -to -table suppers at her family farm. You can usually find her sipping on a hot cup of coffee, reading up on the domestic lives of the Victorians, and snuggling with barn cats. Visit Kayla at www.underatinroof.com or on Instagram and YouTube @underatinroof.


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